Game Designer
Created as part of the 2022 Back 2 Skule™ campaign, Engineerdle was a engineering-themed Wordle that was played over 2500 times by the U of T Engineering community.
This short game made in Unity recreates the infamous Lee Carvallo’s Putting Challenge game Marge buys for Bart in “Marge Be Not Proud.” The game was promoted by Simpsons showrunner Bill Oakley on social media and was played over 230k times.
Developed as a part of the Communication and Culture MA at Toronto Metropolitan University and York University, ReCall of Duty: Modern Empire critiques the Modern Warfare franchise, discussing how the franchise relies on orientalism to justify war.
When the player of a war simulator encounters an error and cannot move forward, they are forced to leave the play area and interact with a series of digital persuasive processes. Each process dissects a thematic element of the Modern Warfare franchise, examining how the games use orientalism, and how it effects the act of play.